Ukraine is already attracting migrants for construction jobs; the country’s working population has decreased by 40%.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Ukraine is already attracting migrants for construction jobs; the country’s working population has decreased by 40%.

There is a severe shortage of workers in the Ukrainian construction industry, with the deficit reaching 30-40%, which is why Ukrainian companies are starting to attract migrants for work. It is reported that as of January 1, 298,992 people were officially employed in Ukraine’s construction industry. Compared to data from two years ago, this indicator has decreased by 25.4%.

During the war, people have been recruited to work in Ukraine from such countries as Pakistan, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, and African countries.

According to the Razumkov Center, the working population in Ukraine in 2024 decreased by 40% compared to 2021 due to demographic processes.

The director of the Institute of Demography, Ella Libanova, stated that Ukraine will not be able to fully compensate for its losses in the labor market after the war due to the large number of able-bodied people who left and went abroad. To restore the economy, Ukraine needs to add more than 4.5 million workers.


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