Ukraine has started supplying biomethane to the EU.

The State Customs Service has completed the customs declaration required to move the first batch of biomethane across Ukraine’s customs border for export to Europe by pipeline.
“Ukraine has enormous potential for biomethane production and can be an important supplier of green energy on the European market,” the customs service added.
In the transfer, the Vitagro group of companies exported a test batch of biomethane to Germany. In the future, the Vitagro biomethane plant in the Khmelnytskyi region will produce three million cubic meters of gas annually for export, equivalent to the annual consumption of approximately 2,000 German households. The company is already considering the possibility of further investment in biomethane projects.
The Bioenergy Association of Ukraine notes that natural gas in Europe costs about €500 per 1,000 cubic meters, while the average price of biomethane is about €900 per 1,000 cubic meters. However, the price of the resource depends greatly on the raw material and the sector to which it is sold.