Ukraine has lost 20.5% of its agricultural land since the start of the full-scale war.

Thursday, March 20, 2025
Ukraine has lost 20.5% of its agricultural land since the start of the full-scale war.

This has led to a reduction in gross agricultural production, said Minister of Agrarian Policy Vitaly Koval.

“If we compare, for example, 2021, which was a fruitful and successful year, we grew 106 million tons of grain and technical crops. We finished last year 2024 with an indicator of 77 million tons,” he said.

The minister also drew attention to the fact that some Ukrainian territories are not able to be farmed because of active military operations, mines, or occupation. The way out of the situation, according to Koval, is to intensify production. He is grateful for the programs that were implemented in 2024 to support farmers working in front-line territories, which resulted in an additional $1.5B in tax revenue.

The minister also emphasized that for 2025, the government has allocated ₴1B in the state budget for humanitarian demining. The government plans to demine at least 65,000 hectares of agricultural land this year. Currently, there are potentially two million hectares of mined land in Ukraine, of which around 500,000 hectares have been surveyed and demined.


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