Ukraine has issued a purchase tender for 10,000 FPV drones with artificial intelligence and has ordered Himera communication systems for the military.

Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov announced that Ukraine has announced a tender on the Prozzoro platform to purchase the first 10,000 FPV drones equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities from Ukrainian manufacturers. More than 10 companies have already applied for the tender. According to Federov, this leads to competition on the Prozorro bidding platform and decreases in government procurement prices.
Meanwhile, Himera Radios predicts its production will increase at least several times within a few months. This is because the company has received the first government order for its universal secure communication systems. The company’s co-founder noted that he has already invested hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own funds in the company and managed to attract $625,000 in two investment rounds.