Ukraine has increased its export of potatoes and meat.

According to EastFruit, the export of potatoes for six months reached 19,800 tons. Ukraine last exported over 10,000 tons of potatoes in 2013, when 14,700 tons were delivered to foreign markets. It is noted that the export of potatoes for the first half of the year was 130% more than last year’s figure and 280% more than the average over the past five years. Analysts note that potato prices in Ukraine remain fairly low, and producers continue to produce low-quality products.
In addition, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported that the number of cattle, pigs, and poultry in Ukraine is growing, and the export of meat and meat products in terms of value exceeds import by 430%. In particular, the export volume of meat and meat products increased by 11.9% in the first eight months of the year and amounted to $617.1M. At the same time, imports decreased by 35.2% and amounted to $116.6M.