Ukraine fulfilled three more indicators within the framework of the EU Ukraine Facility program:

Monday, September 23, 2024
Ukraine fulfilled three more indicators within the framework of the EU Ukraine Facility program:
  1. State Agrarian Register legislation. Its key goal is the agricultural sector’s digitalization and transparency. Adoption of the law will expand state support for entrepreneurs in the industry.
  2. Legislation regarding the peculiarities of selling the state’s stakes in banks’ authorized capital. The revised legislation allows the sale of shares of different sizes in public sector banks and the total sale. This will increase competition and attract private investment in the banking sector.
  3. Bankruptcy legislation. This will help Ukraine improve its international reputation as a reliable jurisdiction for doing business and allow effective preventive restructuring of solvent debtors with financial difficulties.

Overall, this quarter Ukraine has to fulfill nine planned indicators, five of which have already been successfully fulfilled. Work has been completed on one more indicator that is awaiting adoption, and the other three are at the final stage of implementation.


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