Ukraine buys equipment, chemicals, and fuel from China and Poland and sells food and metals to them.

Friday, May 17, 2024
Ukraine buys equipment, chemicals, and fuel from China and Poland and sells food and metals to them.

In the four months of 2024, Ukraine’s trade turnover reached $35.3B (import – $21.9B, export – $13.4B). Taxed imports amounted to $19B (87% of the total volume of imported goods). Ukraine imported the most goods from China – $4.2B, Poland – $2.3B and Germany – $1.8B. At the same time, Ukraine exported the most goods to Poland – $1.3B, China – $1.2B, and Spain – $1.1B.

The following goods accounted for 65% of the total volume of imported goods:


  1. machinery, equipment, and transport – $7.4B (30% of the customs payments were paid)
  2. chemical industry products – $4.2B (17%)
  3. fuel and energy – $2.7B (24%)


The three most exported goods from Ukraine included:


  1. food products – $8.6B
  2. metals and products from them – $1.4B
  3. mineral products – $1.2B


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