Ukraine and France sign a €200M grant agreement to support Ukrainian infrastructure and the economy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Ukraine and France sign a €200M grant agreement to support Ukrainian infrastructure and the economy.

Ukraine and France signed a grant agreement in support of Ukraine’s recovery and critical infrastructure and priority sectors of the economy. Companies in France will be able to access this grant funding, as well as local authorities, in order to maintain critical infrastructure and mining operations in Ukraine. Currently, the Ukrainian side will select the financing projects, after which the French side will approve them. French companies have already presented projects worth more than €700M, but only €200M will be allocated. On the Ukrainian side, the financing program participants will mainly be ministries and the central bodies of executive power that initiated the projects. All projects within the framework of the signed agreement will be aimed at demining the territory of Ukraine, as well as health care and critical infrastructure maintenance. At least €60M is expected to be allocated to maintaining energy supplies and implementing water supply projects.


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