Ukraine aims to increase the volume of European gas in storage to four billion cubic meters and earn ₴70B through the transit of Russian oil.

The head of Naftogaz, Oleksiy Chernyshov, is convinced that Europe is still interested in Ukrainian gas storage, and he has called on EU countries to help protect gas storage facilities from Russian attack to prevent price increases. The company plans to increase the volume of European natural gas stored in Ukraine from 2.5 billion cubic meters last year to four billion this winter.
Also, to increase revenue for the state budget, the Ukrainian parliament believes that the state should increase the price for Russian oil transported to European countries. If the new quote is 30% of the price of one barrel, it would provide the budget with an additional ₴70B ($1.75B), which could be directed to military needs.
The current transit quote is approximately $1.50 for the transportation of one ton of oil. In the Russian Federation’s budget, the price of oil for this year reaches $520 per ton. According to a parliament member Mykhailo Tsimbalyuk, Ukraine receives less than 0.1% of Russian companies’ income from oil transit.