Two Ukrainian agricultural producers will disappear from the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Ukrainian agricultural holding Kernel continues to delist its securities from the WSE, and exit proceedings will be completed in October 2023.
In addition, shares of the agro-industrial group, Ovostar Union, which is one of the leading producers of egg products in Ukraine, will be excluded from the list of WIG, WIG-CEE, WIG-food, and WIG-Ukraine index participants after the September 26 session. The reason is that the company no longer meets the criteria of the indices listed above, as the share of its shares in free-float is less than 10%.
The shares of only six Ukrainian companies will remain in the WIG-Ukraine index, while two will account for more than 80% of the index basket.
Currently, the share of Astarta in the index is 39.3%, IMC – 26.9%, Ovostar – 19.2%, Coal Energy – 5.5%, KSG Agro – 4.1%, Agroton – 3 .2%, Milkyland – 1.8%.