Transcarpathia plans to develop geothermal energy production.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Transcarpathia plans to develop geothermal energy production.

The Zakarpattia regional administration signed a memorandum with Ukrgazvydobovannya, the largest gas production company of Ukraine, on the implementation of gas-to-power projects at the Solotvyno and Lutnyan gas fields. The state company has initiated a set of scientific studies to help assess the prospects for industrial geothermal energy generation in the Zakarpattia region.

Geothermal energy uses the heat of the earth’s crust and is used to generate electricity, heat buildings and industrial processes. The Carpathians are a promising region for developing geothermal energy, where rock temperatures reach 230-270°C at depths of up to six kilometers. At least seven thermal water deposits have been discovered in Transcarpathia, which are currently used only for recreational purposes.

In addition, the parties are exploring the potential of generating electricity by processing gas into electric power to meet the needs of the Solotvyno and Stavne territorial communities.


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