Through the Czech artillery initiative, 180,000 rounds of artillery ammunitions has been sourced for Ukraine, with more than 20 countries participating.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Through the Czech artillery initiative, 180,000 rounds of artillery ammunitions has been sourced for Ukraine, with more than 20 countries participating.

Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, stated: “We are working to obtain another 300,000 shells for Ukraine and have already concluded contracts for the first 180,000. The ammunition will be delivered to the front in the coming months. We would never have achieved such promising figures without strong initial support from Denmark and the Netherlands and about 20 other countries that later joined us.”

Over the past two years, Czech supplies have amounted to more than one million large-caliber shells.

“We aim to create a reliable ammunition supply mechanism that will directly help to change the situation on the front lines. For this, we use our unique experience based on long-term support of Ukraine, the strength of our defense industry, and our historically established contacts in third countries,” said Fiala.

The goal of the Czech initiative is to fill the shortage of ammunition, particularly until Europe can produce sufficient munitions on its own.


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