Three-quarters of Ukrainian entrepreneurs continue to work.

Friday, May 6, 2022
Three-quarters of Ukrainian entrepreneurs continue to work.

 According to a survey conducted by the Gradus Research Company, 75% of businesses continue to operate, 23% of the respondents have lost their business but plan to resume operations – the majority of them (62%) after the war, a third (32%) are ready to start work at the first opportunity. Among entrepreneurs who have a business now, only 14% work in the same way as before the war.  About 31% declare part-time activity, and 45% either hardly work or have suspended their activities in anticipation of better times. The number of owners and top managers who describe their business as “still working” and “partially working” has increased from 41% to 45%. About 79% of surveyed businesspeople had decreased income, where 26% of them recorded a decline of 50-74%, and a fifth of them reported a reduction of 75-89% of revenue.

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