This week, the world’s largest plane, Ukraine’s Mriya An-225, is to fly medical protective gear from Shanghai to Columbus, Ohio

This week, the world’s largest plane, Ukraine’s Mriya An-225, is to fly medical protective gear from Shanghai to Columbus, Ohio, reports Buzzfeed. This is to be the inaugural flight of a month-long China-US medical cargo airbridge flown by the Mriya and five slightly smaller Ruslan An-124 cargo jets, Vitaliy Shost, deputy director of Kyiv-based Antonov Airlines, tells reporter Christopher Miller. Shost said that due to the coronavirus emergency, the Mriya or Ruslans have flown medical cargo over the last month from China to Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Kuwait, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Slovakia, Spain, and Switzerland. Livestream of the Mriya landing last week at Warsaw’s Chopin Airport was watched by more than 80,000 people.