The White House is working with Congress to save $6B in aid for Ukraine, and NATO will provide €40B in 2025.

Monday, September 9, 2024
The White House is working with Congress to save $6B in aid for Ukraine, and NATO will provide €40B in 2025.

The administration of the US president is conducting urgent negotiations with Congress to obtain permission to use $6B earmarked for Ukrainian military aid by the September 30 deadline, Reuters notes. The Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), a key component of the $61B aid package, allows the US president to transfer defense goods and services from the nation’s stockpile in response to emergency situations.

However, most of the $7.8B allocated to the PDA is unused. Around $6B will be lost at the end of the US’ fiscal year. The US State Department hopes to include the PDA extension in a short-term emergency spending bill that Congress must pass this month to avoid a government shutdown on September 30.

The Pentagon announced they plan to use the funds to support Ukraine “in any possible way.”

At the same time, the NATO Secretary General confirmed that the Alliance will provide Ukraine with €40B in aid next year.


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