The US State Department makes an urgent plea for the billions allocated to Ukraine to be used before they “burn up” at the end of September.

Friday, September 6, 2024
The US State Department makes an urgent plea for the billions allocated to Ukraine to be used before they “burn up” at the end of September.

Several US public organizations have appealed to the State Department to use the remaining $6.2B set aside for aid to Ukraine that is still available within the limits of the president’s authority, but only until the end of the budget year, which expires on September 30.

“If the funds are not used, it could be an alarming signal regarding the US’ support for Ukraine,” said a Union of Ukrainian Women of America representative.

Without these funds, according toto the representative, people will leave Ukrainian cities en masse, which will lead to a refugee crisis that will affect both Europe and the US.

The Razom for Ukraine organization warns that if the current rates of “decline” in allocations are maintained until September 30, then approximately $5.7B will remain unused. The organization called on the State Department to provide Ukraine with all $6.2B in aid at once, which “would send a powerful message to Ukraine, Russia, and American voters that the administration of the US president wants Ukraine to win.”


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