The US has imposed sanctions against almost 300 Russian and foreign companies and private individuals for supporting the Russian war against Ukraine.

Friday, May 3, 2024
The US has imposed sanctions against almost 300 Russian and foreign companies and private individuals for supporting the Russian war against Ukraine.

The list of Chinese companies, particularly, included Hong Kong’s Finder Technology Ltd, which exported 293 batches of parts for drones and electronics. Among the companies from the Russian Federation are Pobeda, a subsidiary of Aeroflot, the Ural Automobile Plant, the Proton Plant, and the Bryansk Automobile Plant, for a total of more than 100 entities.

The list includes almost 60 subjects from various jurisdictions (Azerbaijan, Belgium, China, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, and the UAE), that allow the Russian Federation to obtain the technologies and equipment necessary for its military industry from abroad.

Sanctions were first introduced against manufacturers and suppliers of cotton pulp and nitrocellulose, which are needed to make gunpowder, rocket fuel, and other explosives.

The US also recognized that the Russian Federation has used chemical weapons against the Ukrainian military and imposed sanctions on the companies that participated in their production.

At the same time, due to the pressure from its allies, the UAE has banned the export and re-export of some dual-purpose goods to Russia.


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