The Ukrainian milk processing industry plans to expand and increase its export volumes.

The head of the Union of Dairy Enterprises, Vadym Chagarovsky, said that the long-term strategy for the development of the dairy industry envisages increasing dairy product production for the domestic market to seven million tons and exporting one million tons.
“We expect the construction of five new milk processing enterprises. These will be for the production of baby food, cheese-making, for export, and two more to cover the needs of the domestic market. Implementing these projects requires about €1B of investment,” Chagarovsky said.
He emphasized that most processing enterprises need modernization, requiring a €500M investment. According to him, in the long term, 80-90 milk processing enterprises will remain in Ukraine because 112 are too many for the domestic dairy industry.
At the same time, the first milk factory, Nabil in Ukraine, produced its first batch of products, which have already reached retail chains. It is noted that Canadian investors financed the plant.