The Rada will soon vote on the final passage of the “Google” tax – a tax that would impose a 20% VAT tax on provision of Internet services by foreign companies to residents of Ukraine
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Rada will soon vote on the final passage of the “Google” tax – a tax that would impose a 20% VAT tax on provision of Internet services by foreign companies to residents of Ukraine. The law, which could render $100 million in annual tax payments to Ukraine, would apply to such foreign tech giants as: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Wargaming Group, Bloomberg, Alibaba, and “These are large foreign international companies operating and earning money in Ukraine. They receive a lot of income, but do not pay taxes in our country, Oleksandr Tkachenko, Culture and Information Policy Minister, wrote on Telegram. “Ukrainian technology companies pay VAT when providing electronic services to Ukrainians. But foreign companies – no.”