The price of success for SkyUp, Ukraine’s new discount airline, is a campaign of harassment.

Monday, June 17, 2019
The price of success for SkyUp, Ukraine’s new discount airline, is a campaign of harassment.

The price of success for SkyUp, Ukraine’s new discount airline, is a campaign of harassment. Without naming which air rival might be orchestrating the campaign, Alexander Alba, a shareholder and founder of the one-year-old airline, writes on Facebook: “Today, our company feels unprecedented pressure: dirty information attacks (for example, a fake website with reviews, Bot attacks, a false video message by a journalist from one of the main channels), six simultaneous checks in a group of companies, unfounded [Rada] deputy speeches and the already legendary decision of the Baryshevsky court.” After that decision suspended its license, SkyUp immediately appealed. It is operating normally.

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