“The payment of dividends will not affect the implementation of our investment program – in the next five years we plan to allocate another $1.8 billion for the development of production,”

Thursday, September 12, 2019
“The payment of dividends will not affect the implementation of our investment program – in the next five years we plan to allocate another $1.8 billion for the development of production,”

“The payment of dividends will not affect the implementation of our investment program – in the next five years we plan to allocate another $1.8 billion for the development of production,” states Sergey Plichko, Arcelor’s financial director. He said the company, Europe’s largest steel plant, had not paid dividends since 2009. Arcelor says it has invested $9 billion in the company since buying it in 2005, what is still Ukraine’s biggest privatization to date.

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Indicating a surge of Ukrainians driving to the EU, the number of Green Card international insurance contracts signed by Ukrainian drivers jumped by 46% in January-July 2019

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