The number of stores in Ukraine increased in the beginning of the year; retail follows internal migrants.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
The number of stores in Ukraine increased in the beginning of the year; retail follows internal migrants.

As Retail & Development Advisor stated, the number of stores operating in Ukraine in January-March 2024 exceeded 18,000, which is 4% more than in the first quarter of 2023.

“The return of our partners, international brands, should be noted separately. In the shopping center where they resumed their work, traffic increased by 10%. Regarding regional development, the leader in the fashion category was the Sinsay company, which opened 38 stores during the war, 35 of which are outside Kyiv,” the consulting company said.

Speaking about the geography of network development, the company noted that “the greatest activity of trade networks coincides with the concentration of internally displaced persons.”

At the same time, rental rates across the country have generally increased over the year, in shopping centers by 10% and in street retail by up to 20%. Growth occurs mainly at locations with a size of up to 200 square meters and in actively developing regions.


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