The newly created Finnish-Ukrainian venture fund, Double Tap, will invest in Ukrainian defense startups.

Monday, June 10, 2024
The newly created Finnish-Ukrainian venture fund, Double Tap, will invest in Ukrainian defense startups.

The Finnish-Ukrainian investment company Double Tap Investments announced a decision to invest in Ukrainian defense technology startups. Double Tap Investments is an investment company based in Finland and operating in Ukraine, specializing in transformative technology sectors, including defense, cyber security, and artificial intelligence.

As the company explained, the decision to invest in the Ukrainian defense technology sector is based on the country’s rapid progress in demining, artificial intelligence, unmanned systems, and modern weapons. Among the fund’s key tasks is to accelerate the development and implementation of revolutionary technologies that can strengthen national and global security.

Double Tap Investments will provide financial support, mentorship, and access to a global network that will help Ukrainian entrepreneurs scale their businesses.


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