The most challenging period for the energy industry is behind it; the EU is considering increasing Ukraine’s imported electricity.

Monday, July 29, 2024
The most challenging period for the energy industry is behind it; the EU is considering increasing Ukraine’s imported electricity.

According to the Chairman of the Board of Ukrenergo, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, “We have every reason to expect that the most difficult period of the summer in the energy industry is behind us.”

He added that the improvement occurred because the heat subsided, and some energy facilities have been repaired. If there is no additional large-scale shelling, the situation will should continue to improve.

At the same time, the ENTSO-E is considering increasing the interstate crossing limit from Europe to Ukraine, allowing increased importation of electricity, and may initiate the change before the onset of cold weather. The carrying capacity of the Ukrainian import network is much greater than the 1,700 MW currently allowed, and the limiting factor is bottlenecks on the EU side.

Moreover, Ukraine and the US will work to strengthen defense of the energy sector, particularly the transmission facilities around the NPP.

Also, to stimulate investment in the energy sector, President Zelenskyy signed laws to abolish VAT and duties on the importation of energy equipment.


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