The mortgage lending market has picked up in Ukraine.

In August, Ukrainian banking institutions issued 626 mortgage loans for a total amount of ₴900.9M, the NBU reported. In August, the volume of loans granted to consumers increased by 2.6% compared to July and the number of loans increased by 3.6%.
“The mortgage segment has traditionally been the driver of preferential lending within the framework of the eOselya program“, the regulator explained.
It is reported that in August, five banks provided mortgage loans for purchasing housing, mainly on the secondary real estate market. The weighted average effective mortgage rate in August increased to 8% (7.9% in July).
“On a regional basis in August, the most mortgage loans were issued in Kyiv and the Kyiv region – 270 contracts for a total of ₴443.9M (49.3% of the total), Chernihiv (41 contracts for ₴52.5M), Vinnytsia (35 for ₴51.1M) and Rivne (40 for ₴ 50.9M) regions”, the regulator clarified.