The Ministry of Finance has updated the Reform Matrix; Ukraine has already fulfilled 108 indicators in the year’s first half.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
The Ministry of Finance has updated the Reform Matrix; Ukraine has already fulfilled 108 indicators in the year’s first half.

The Ministry of Finance has updated the Reform Matrix, an analytical tool used to monitor the fulfillment of the requirements of international partners in real-time. In the updated Reform Matrix, there are 314 reforms, which correspond to 520 indicators that are to be implemented. When launched in June this year, the Reform Matrix included 206 reforms and 410 indicators.

The increase in the number of conditions in the updated Reform Matrix is due, firstly, to the review of cooperation programs with international partners and, secondly, to the consideration of measures for the following years.

In the first half of the year, Ukraine has already fulfilled 108 indicators. All measures are presented in official documents such as the European Commission’s report on Ukraine as part of the EU enlargement package, the IMF Extended Fund Facility program, the Plan for Ukraine from the EU’s financial instrument, the Ukraine Facility, and the terms of the World Bank’s Development Policy Loan credit instrument.


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