The Ministry of Agrarian Policy improves its harvest forecast by 5%.

The Ministry of Agriculture revised the forecast for the future harvest, increasing it from 74 to 77 million tons, of which 56 million tons will be grains and legumes and 21 million tons oil crops, said Taras Vysotskyi. Although this is still 5-7% less than last year’s figure (82.8 million tons), late crops (corn, sunflower, or soybean) are still in an active phase of vegetation development, and the weather in July-August can have a significant impact on final indicators.
The forecasts for early crops such as wheat, barley, and canola are fairly optimistic. This year’s harvest started about two weeks earlier than usual. As of July 4, grains and legumes have been collected from 967,200 hectares, from which 3.36 million tons of grain were threshed. The largest amount of wheat threshed was 1.63 million tons.
The grain harvesting campaign is taking place in 21 regions. In addition, 13 regions are harvesting rapeseed, and so far, 285,900 tons have been collected.