The IMF has updated its memorandum with Ukraine; most conditions have been met, but new beacons have been added.

Monday, July 1, 2024
The IMF has updated its memorandum with Ukraine; most conditions have been met, but new beacons have been added.

Ukraine has already fulfilled 23 of the 37 requirements involving reforms and legislation changes. Among them are two new ones: changing the Criminal Procedure Code by the end of October to allow the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office to manage requests for extradition and mutual legal assistance and rationalize the consequences of the expiration of pre-trial investigation periods and adopting changes to the Customs Code.

In addition to these beacons, Ukraine must develop a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of tax incentives, identify state-owned companies that have been seriously affected by the war, prepare a review of potential costs, and complete an external audit of the NABU’s effectiveness. Also, Ukraine needs to develop a policy of ownership for state-owned enterprises, a dividend policy, and a privatization strategy, analyze debts and assess the financial condition of centralized heat supply enterprises, continue the transfer of state-owned banks to the Ministry of Finance, prepare a concept for the rehabilitation of banks, and create a new court to consider administrative cases against state bodies, among other initiatives.


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