The government is elaborating a Donbas economic development strategy document to submit next spring to the Rada, along with implementing legislation, said Reznikov who is a Deputy Prime Minister.

Monday, November 9, 2020
The government is elaborating a Donbas economic development strategy document to submit next spring to the Rada, along with implementing legislation, said Reznikov who is a Deputy Prime Minister.

The government is elaborating a Donbas economic development strategy document to submit next spring to the Rada, along with implementing legislation, said Reznikov who is a Deputy Prime Minister. Development will be based on private investment, government spending and international aid. Citing road, rail, energy and drinking water projects, he said: “Economic development of Donbas is impossible without the development of communities, which, in particular, are in direct contact with the territories being temporarily beyond government control.” The government wants to create two free economic zones – one in the Donbas and one in Western Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, presidential chief of staff told 1+1 TV’s VIP project show on Friday.

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