The export of Ukrainian dairy products have decreased by 10% during the year.

During the nine months of the current year, Ukraine’s dairy product turnover was reduced by 9.7% compared to the same period last year – from $353.4 to $318.8M. It is noted that the volume of dairy exports decreased by 23.5% in monetary terms – up to $140.2M compared to $183.5M for January-September 2022. Experts explain the drop as a price factor.
At the same time, import volumes increased by 5.2% – from $169.9M to $178.6M. The export-import balance for the specified reporting period was negative – $38.3M, while for the same period last year, it was positive – $13.6M. Of all types of exported products, a positive balance was observed only in the trade of butter, milk, and cream, both non-condensed and condensed.
Also, the export of other dairy products – fermented milk products, milk whey, and cheeses of all kinds – decreased very noticeably. The worst situation is in the cheese trade, where import growth has exceeded export growth.