The European Commission is convening a grain platform, and Ukraine has been invited.

In addition to Ukraine, Moldova and five neighboring EU countries will join in discussion on the export of Ukrainian grain, said Miriam Garcia Ferrer, spokeswoman for the EC on Agriculture and Trade.
“Within the platform’s framework, we are looking for concrete solutions to increase the capacity of the ‘solidarity corridors’ to identify problems and consider ways to solve them,” said the spokeswoman.
Ferrer recalled that on September 6, there was an exchange of views within the European Commission Collegium on solving the problem of Ukrainian grain exports to five neighboring EU countries. But no decision was made, so the search for a mutually acceptable solution continues.
“Corridors of solidarity continue to work, and grain arrives from Ukraine. From the initiative’s beginning to the end of July, Ukraine exported 44 million tons of grain, sunflower seeds, and related products. There is no interruption, and we are working to find a solution,” the spokeswoman added.