The EU is considering two options for gas transit through Ukraine.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024
The EU is considering two options for gas transit through Ukraine.

Energy ministers from European countries are discussing the import of Russian natural gas against the backdrop of Ukraine’s suspension of transit beginning December 31. Kyiv and Moscow have stated that they are ready to find a solution in which Azerbaijan can be involved. The final decision will likely be made at the last minute or at the beginning of 2025.

Slovakia, together with Austria, are the leading gas consumers of Russian gas and would like to continue gas transit through Ukraine. One of the options being discussed is replacing Russia with Azerbaijan as a supplier, but it is unknown if this is feasible, as Azerbaijan lacks export capacity. Another option is for Azerbaijani SOCAR to assume Gazprom’s role and sell gas to the EU, or the company could facilitate transit through Ukraine.

Analysts note that continued transit of Russian oil and gas through Ukraine may be clarified after the US presidential election, which will determine American policy regarding Russian hydrocarbons in Europe.


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