The EU and Germany have prepared three grant packages for Ukrainian businesses.

The European Union and the German government announced three waves of grants for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses through the EU4Business program on a joint initiative.
In particular, the Big Grants program was announced for companies that create products and services with an innovative component and a focus on expanding exports. Thirty small and medium-sized enterprises will share €750,000 (up to €25,000 each).
Another program provides 750 grants of up to €4,000 each. The main goal of this grant support is to restore micro-entrepreneurs’ activities in the parts of Ukraine that were most affected by hostilities and are now de-occupied, as well as to strengthen the stability of micro-businesses in war conditions from all other regions of Ukraine.
In addition, EU4Business, with funding from the EU and the German government, will support 50 small businesses affected by the war and are ready to develop businesses for the supply of essential goods with another wave of grants of up to €10,000 each.