The EIB will provide €100M in financing for recovery projects in Ukrainian communities.

The selection of projects has started within the framework of Ukraine Recovery Program III, and the EIB will provide €100M for their implementation, said Deputy Minister of Community Development Oleksii Riabykin. According to him, the priority areas in this stage of the Ukraine Recovery Program III’s implementation will be:
- diversification of heat supply (distributed generation)
- reconstruction and construction of new housing, which will remain in communal ownership of communities
- municipal services (water supply and sewage)
- healthcare facilities
“We expect up to 50 projects to be implemented within this stage. After all, within the frameworks of the Emergency Loan Program for the Recovery of Ukraine, for which partners provided €200M, and the second phase of the Ukraine Recovery Program (€340M), 225 projects are being implemented,” said Riabykin.
He noted that projects that will apply for funding should not have a total cost of more than €5M. Also, the community itself must provide at least 20% co-financing. All projects within the program must be implemented in no more than 18 months.