The EC and EIB sign a €2B guarantee to support recovery projects in Ukraine.

Friday, March 7, 2025
The EC and EIB sign a €2B guarantee to support recovery projects in Ukraine.

The European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have signed a guarantee agreement that will allow the EIB to invest at least €2B in urgent recovery and reconstruction projects in Ukraine. This investment, which is part of the EU’s €50B Ukraine Facility, supports Kyiv’s priorities: stimulating investment in recovery and promoting European integration.

The new guarantees will support key sectors, including investments in Ukraine’s energy networks, the development of hydrogen technologies and renewable energy sources, and increasing energy efficiency. Projects under this guarantee program will also cover activities to modernize Ukraine’s railways, improve transport interconnections, including solidarity corridors and border crossing points on key export routes, and assist in developing urban public transport.

In addition, the funding will help Ukraine rebuild its municipal infrastructure. These tasks were prioritized in the Ukraine Plan, which is part of the Ukraine Fund in the EU’s multiannual budget until 2027.


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