The EBRD will provide a €50M guarantee to a Ukrainian bank to support capital investments in technology and equipment modernization.

Credit Agricole Ukraine signed a €50M risk sharing agreement with the EBRD as part of the Sustainability and Livelihoods program. The bank noted that this will allow it to support capital investments by micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in modernizing technologies and equipment.
Companies will be able to receive technical assistance with EU funds and grant support in the form of investment incentives after the completion of investment projects. The focus will be on key sectors in the Ukrainian economy, including agriculture, the food industry, and retail trade.
The EBRD guarantee will cover up to 50% of the credit risk for new sub loans.
Since the beginning of the war, Credit Agricole Ukraine has provided ₴2.7B in financing for agribusiness under the 5-7-9% affordable loans program and issued almost ₴1.3 billion as part of state guarantees.