The capabilities of Ukraine’s defense industry are insufficient to combat Russia.

Deputy Minister of Defense Ivan Gavrylyuk said that “We do not have enough developed capabilities in our defense-industrial complex to win this war with our weapons. For a long time, under corrupt state officials who were under the influence of the Russian Federation, measures were taken to reduce our industrial defense potential so we could not oppose the aggressor state.”
According to Gavrylyuk, during Yanukovych’s presidency the enemy was at the helm of Ukraine as a whole and in control of the defense-industrial complex in particular. However, today, thanks to the efforts of the government and the allocation of financial resources for weapons production, Ukraine has taken a significant step forward in the development of its defense industry. To oppose Putin’s aggression, Ukraine’s allies have done their best to supply as many weapons as they can.
The Czech Republic’s projectile initiative, after some early delays, is going according to the delivery plan. This provides quite significant support on the battlefield, Gavrylyuk said.