The Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky sea port will be offered at half the original price.

The State Property Fund failed to privatize the Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky sea trade port on its first attempt. The Prozorro.Sales auction platform reported that the auction scheduled for March 3 did not take place, and it has been re-scheduled for March 13. The starting price for the seaport has been reduced by 50% from UAH 187.6M ($5.1M) to UAH 93.8M ($2.55M). The port was planned to be privatized even before the war because it was unprofitable for the state to cover employee salaries. The Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky port, in wartime conditions since April 2022, has been used by Ukraine as a logistics center for ports on the Danube. It receives cargo, transships it and sends the cargo in wagons to points further. In total, the company handled more volume in half of 2022 than in the last three years.