The basis of the Ukrainian negotiating position during its accession to the EU will be a development strategy for the agricultural sector.

Monday, June 10, 2024
The basis of the Ukrainian negotiating position during its accession to the EU will be a development strategy for the agricultural sector.

The Deputy Prime Minister for European integration, Olga Stefanishyna, noted at the Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas through 2030 presentation that the agricultural sector is one of the critical pillars on which the Ukrainian economy rests. In 2023 alone, it generated 62% of foreign exchange earnings. At the same time, a significant part of agricultural exports goes to EU countries, in which the free trade zone operates.

Moreover, Ukraine offers a strategy that foresees that Ukraine will become part of a large EU internal market, which is the most developed, dynamic, and competitive, Stefanishyna emphasized.

The strategy consists of commitments within the framework of the Ukraine Facility program. This, in turn, provides for rather specific but systematic measures regarding investment and the restoration of the Ukrainian agricultural sector and Ukrainian economic well-being.

The strategy for developing the farm sector will become the basis of Ukraine’s negotiating position; Stefanishyna emphasized and expressed confidence that by 2030, Ukraine will already be a member of the EU.


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