Court of Appeal has set a dangerous precedent in Ukrzaliznytsia -VR Global Partners case that would reduce the ability of Ukrainian banks to manage their bad loans exposure. In September, a Court of Appeal upheld Ukrzaliznytsia’s bid to invalidate an agreement by which the US-based fund, ... #UkrzaliznytsiaVRglobalPartners #UZdebt #UZnpl #VRGlobalPartners
Ukrzaliznytsia agrees to pay some of the Debt to VR Global Partners L.P. In 2019, Ukrzaliznytsia’s debts to PJSC Prominvestbank valued at $153.25 million were sold to VR Global Partners L.P. UZ stating that they are ready to pay only confirmed debt obligations and ar... #Ukrzaliznytsia #UZpayddebt #VRGlobalPartners #VRGlobalPartnersandUZ