Ukraine needs to return to the pre-war tax system. Minister of Finance Serhiy Marchenko believes that Ukraine should return to the pre-war tax system. “I believe that Ukraine needs to return to the pre-war tax system. We need to decide what we w... #PreWarTaxes #SerhiyMarchenko #UkraineTaxes
Ukrainian individual entrepreneurs (FOP) paid the highest taxes in 5 years. In 2021, individual entrepreneurs paid UAH 34.8B ($1.23B), the highest tax amount in the last 5 years, reported Opendatabot. For comparison: in 2020 FOPs paid UAH 27.6B, in 2019 – UAH 24.95B, i... #FOPtaxesinUkraine #FOPukraine #UkraineTaxes
The taxation of real estate transactions has changed. Previously, income from the sale of one property per year was not taxed, and the sale of the second and subsequent properties were taxed at a rate of 5%. The new tax law #5600 should close this possib... #RealEstateTax #RealEstateTaxesinUkraine #UkraineRealestate #UkraineTaxes