Washington considers growing trade between Ukraine and China to be “normal,” but warns loss of control over strategic enterprises, such as the Motor Sich aviation engine factory. Speaking to Ukraine 24 TV channel, George Kent, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, said: “We believe th... #ChinabigtradingpartnerforUkraine #TradingwithChina #UkraineandChinatrade
Three years in the making, an agreement signed last week in Beijing for China to finance and build bridges, highways and railways in Ukraine represents a big step up for China’s commitment to Ukraine, Chinese analysts tell the South China Morning Post. “Ukraine can only embrace China more since both the EU and NATO have not shown much interest in Ukraine joining for now,” said Li Lifan, a senior fe... #buildingroadsinukraine #ChinahighinterestinUkraine #Chinawantstobuildroads #UkraineandChinatrade
Ukraine’s trade with China, its largest trading partner, jumped by 48%, to $7.4 billion, during the first five months of this year, compared to January-May last year, Fan Xiangong, China’s ambassador to Ukraine told reporters yesterday. He said Ukraine is the top supplier to China of whea... #AmbasadorFanXiangong #ChinaUkraineTradeLevels #UkraineandChinatrade