The EU proposes to continue duty-free imports of Ukrainian steel, while simultaneously purchasing goods from Russia. The European Commission has taken the initiative to continue supporting the Ukrainian metallurgical industry, leaving the current exemption from trade restrictions on steel imports from Ukraine to the... #DutyFreeTrade #MetallurgyUkraine #RussianSteel #SanctionsAgainstRussia #Steelexport #TradeRestriction #UkrainianSteel
Ukraine increased steelmaking by 3.6 % over the prior year. According to the results from metallurgical enterprises in December 2021, Ukraine increased steel production by 3.6% compared to the same period in 2020, holding 14th place in the ranking of 64 major... #Steelexport #SteelFromUkraine #SteelProductionUkraine
Ukrainian steel companies boosted export revenue by 73.1% during the January-August 2021 period (ukrainianjournal). Overall Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises in this period increased revenue from exports of ferrous metals by 73.1% compared to the same peri... #Steelexport #SteelFromUkraine #UkraineSteelExport
High steel and iron ore prices account for most of the 27% yoy jump in Ukraine’s exports of goods in March, wrote Alfa-Bank Ukraine. Steel export revenues were up 75% yoy and iron ore revenues were up 99% yoy. UkrMetalurgProm, the industry association, reported that in March the steel billet average export ... #Oreexport #Steelexport #SteelUkraine