Underlining the importance of Nord Stream 2 to the gas-starved Europe, a false report that gas has started moving through the new pipeline caused EU gas prices to fall by 10% for two hours yesterday afternoon. After Gascade, the German pipeline company, denied the rumor ... #EUgasStarved #GasForEUfromRussia #nordstream2 #RussiaSabotagesEU
Tightening the natural gas shortage in the EU, Gazprom has cut by 50% gas shipments through the Yamal pipeline to Poland and stopped pumping gas into underground storage facilities in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands . With EU storage at only 57.5% of normal mid-summer levels, unfulfilled demand for gas is 16 billion cubic meters, Interfax reports from Moscow, citing data of the Gas Infrastructure Europe portal. #NaturalGasShortage #RussiaCutGasDelivery #RUssianDictatesGasPrices #RussianGasforEU #RussiaSabotagesEU
“The gas shortage in Europe’s underground storage facilities is largely artificial,” the pipeline operator tells Ukraine’s state news agency. Analysts say Gazrpom is driving up EU prices to justify opening Nord Stream 2 this fall. #GasdemandinEU #GasshortageEU #NordStream2opening #RussiaSabotagesEU