Putin continues lying about the Russian economy’s health while the Central Bank worries. Vladimir Putin said that last year was successful for the Russian economy, and key macro indicators are positive. Russian budget revenues not related to the sale of hydrocarbons increased by 26% and e... #GDPrussia #InflationRussia #Putin #RussianCentralBank #RussianEconomy #RussianNationalWelfareFund
Trump may use sanctions to finish off Moscow, which is running out of money for the National Welfare Fund. German energy analyst Tom O’Donnell said that the latest US sanctions could significantly harm Moscow, and that generally, sanctions against Russian oil could become a key weapon for US Presiden... #DonaldTrump #RussianEconomy #RussianNationalWelfareFund #SanctionsAgainstRussia #TomO'Donnell