Results of the 13th Ramstein: Ukraine will receive new air defense systems, military support, and guarantees to create a “collation of fighters”. The Ministries of Defense of Denmark, the Netherlands, the UK, and the US have announced that they are working to supply Ukraine with urgently needed air defense equipment, including anti-aircraft mis... #AirDefenseSystems #FighterJetsToUkraine #LloydAustin #MilitaryAidforUkraine #OleksiyReznikov #RamsteinBrussels #SupportUkraine
The head of the Pentagon announced a next Ramstein format meeting in Brussels. Amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the Pentagon has confirmed the next Rammstein format meeting on weapons for Ukraine. The US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, announced his visit to Belgium to ... #LloydAustin #Pentagon #RamsteinBrussels #Ramsteinmeeting #RussianAsgression #WarinUkraine