Escalating the war between new Naftogaz CEO Yuriy Vitrenko and the company’s management, Vitrenko charges that a reported net profit of nearly half a billion dollars for the first quarter was in reality a loss of up to $4 billion. On May 5, Peter van Driel, Naftogaz CFO posted on Facebook... #NaftogazCEOVitrenko #NaftogazFinances #NaftogazLosses
Vitrenko blamed “the desire of management to talk about profits and show a supposedly good result in order to get a bonus as soon as possible, and postpone the reflection of losses until later.” He also says Naftogaz’ failed production program of the last three years has forced the oil and gas company to pay $2 billion to buy gas this summer... #NaftogazCEOVitrenko #NaftogazLosses #NaftogazUkraine
Naftogaz CEO Yuriy Vitrenko will appeal in court against yesterday’s order by the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption to the Naftogaz Supervisory Board to terminate his contract. Last week, the Supervisory Board failed to vote for Vitrenko’s ouster, opting instead to postpone the issue. Vitrenko asked: “Why is the NA... #NaftogazCEODrama #NaftogazCEOVitrenko #NaftogazUkraine2021