The international order is shifting dramatically under Trump – what does it mean for Ukraine? Ukraine Business Network (UBN Network) and Ukraine Business News (UBN) held a live event titled “War & Investments” in Kyiv on March 14. The main topic of discussion was Ukraine’s outl... #AndrewPryma #ArsenZhumadilov #BusinessNetworkInUkraine #DmytroPonomarenko #InvestinUkraine #MarkMcNamee #OleksdandrMerezhko #PeterDickinson #UBNnetwork #UkraineBusinessNetwork #ukrainebusinessnews #vodafone #VodafoneUkraine #ИгорьМазепа
Winning the Economic and Financial War in Ukraine. In advance of expected talks upon Trump’s presidency in early 2025, “land for peace” has become the catchphrase uttered by those who want a quick end to the war. Central among the innumerable c... #EconomicWar #FinancialWar #FinancialWarinUkraine #MarkMcNamee #RomanSulzhyk #WarinUkraine
Ignore the Headlines: Momentum is Moving in Ukraine’s Direction, not Russia’s For all the talk of the Kremlin’s rising confidence since late 2023, the reality is in fact far from encouraging for Russia. Rather oddly, a nation mired in a foreign war it cannot easily extricate it... #MarkMcNamee #Putin #PutinLosingWar #PutinWarinUkraine