Ukraine is predicting an increase in agricultural production this year. In 2025, the volume of gross agricultural output may rise by 3% compared to 2024, according to the Institute of Agrarian Economics. This positive trend is attributed to a degree of stabilization withi... #agroUkraine #GrainHarvest #Harvest2025 #LivestockProducts
How has the war affected the profitability of agricultural production in Ukraine? According to the Ministry of Agricultural Policy, since July 2023 the profitability of the main crop types has been steadily improving. However, grain production has not yet broken even, and the profi... #agroUkraine #FarmersUkraine #LivestockProducts #OilCrops #Ukrainiangrain
Ukraine exports livestock products to 91 countries. Over the past four years, 91 international markets have opened for Ukrainian products of animal origin, and several forms of international export certificates have been agreed upon. According to the S... #agroexportukraine #LivestockProducts #Ukraineexports