Ukraine will earn about $2 billion in transit fees for shipping Russian gas across Ukraine to the EU this year, Ukraine will earn about $2 billion in transit fees for shipping Russian gas across Ukraine to the EU this year, Naftogaz CEO Andriy Kobolyev told journalist Yanina Sokolova on her Youtube channel. Thr... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
A proposed 20-year, $20 billion deal to import half of Ukraine’s gas imports through a US LNG gas trader has fallen apart A proposed 20-year, $20 billion deal to import half of Ukraine’s gas imports through a US LNG gas trader has fallen apart after New York news outlets reported that US prosecutors were probing former E... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
The long term Louisiana deal probably would have violated the competitive gas market that started Aug. 1 in Ukraine. The long term Louisiana deal probably would have violated the competitive gas market that started Aug. 1 in Ukraine. “Due to the recent gas sector shake-up, Ukrainian gas consumers can now freely swit... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
Kyiv has the cheapest household electricity prices of 33 European capitals Kyiv has the cheapest household electricity prices of 33 European capitals surveyed by the European Commission’s “Quarterly Report of on European Electricity Markets.” Buried away on page 43 is a char... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
A mysterious midnight explosion in a western Kyiv suburb knocked out the main pipeline that carries Russian gas across Ukraine to the EU. A mysterious midnight explosion in a western Kyiv suburb knocked out the main pipeline that carries Russian gas across Ukraine to the EU. Repairs are to be completed today as officials seek to minimiz... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
The explosion broke the high pressure, 1-meter diameter pipe near the town of Chabany, just outside the Kyiv city line, about 5 km beyond the Teremky terminus of the Metro’s Blue Line The explosion broke the high pressure, 1-meter diameter pipe near the town of Chabany, just outside the Kyiv city line, about 5 km beyond the Teremky terminus of the Metro’s Blue Line. Although large ... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
Coming as Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is under heavy pressure to freeze the Nord Stream 2 Russia-Germany pipeline Coming as Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is under heavy pressure to freeze the Nord Stream 2 Russia-Germany pipeline, Kyiv’s gas pipeline explosion has received daily coverage in Deutsche Welle, G... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
Germany offered to spend up to €1bn to subsidize construction of two LNG terminals capable of receiving US gas exports in exchange for Washington dropping its opposition to Nord Stream 2, Germany offered to spend up to €1bn to subsidize construction of two LNG terminals capable of receiving US gas exports in exchange for Washington dropping its opposition to Nord Stream 2, report Die Z... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
The Aug. 22 hospitalization in Berlin of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has raised the pressure on Merkel to act against the $11 billion Russia-Germany gas line. The Aug. 22 hospitalization in Berlin of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has raised the pressure on Merkel to act against the $11 billion Russia-Germany gas line. Yesterday, Ursula von der Le... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
Cancelling or even freezing the 94% complete pipeline would expose the German government to billions of dollars of claims from the 100 German companies Cancelling or even freezing the 94% complete pipeline would expose the German government to billions of dollars of claims from the 100 German companies that have worked on it. Germany will not need th... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
A A Civey poll of Germans published last week, found that 14% of respondents opposed Nord Stream 2 and 73% favored completion. Politico writes in an article from Berlin, “Why Germany can’t say no to Nor... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds
Facing these pressures, Chancellor Merkel says the EU should take the stand against the pipeline Facing these pressures, Chancellor Merkel says the EU should take the stand against the pipeline. To which Josep Borrell, a former Spanish Foreign Minister serving as the EU’s foreign minister, told T... #kyivgasexplosion gaspipeexplosion MerkelUnderpressure nordstream2underpressure nordstream2 shippingasfromUkraine gasrevolutioninukraine gasforhousholds